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Health / Alcohol & Drug Use | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults who Binge Drink | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults who Drink Excessively | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to All Drug Overdose | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heroin Overdose | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Opioid Overdose | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Prescription Opioid Overdose | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Drug and Opioid-Involved Overdose Death Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Adult Alcohol Use | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Opioid Use | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Cancer | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults with Cancer | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults with Cancer (Non-Skin) or Melanoma | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Breast Cancer | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cancer | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Colorectal Cancer | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Lung Cancer | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Prostate Cancer | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
All Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Breast Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Cancer: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Cervical Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Cervical Cancer Screening: 21-65 | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Colon Cancer Screening | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Colon Cancer Screening: USPSTF Recommendation | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Colorectal Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Lung and Bronchus Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mammogram in Past 2 Years: 50-74 | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mammography Screening: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Oral Cavity and Pharynx Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Pap Test in Past 3 Years: 21-65 | not checked | not checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Prostate Cancer Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Children's Health | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Child Mortality Rate: Under 20 | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Children Reported as Lead Poisoned | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / County Health Rankings | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Clinical Care Ranking | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health Behaviors Ranking | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Morbidity Ranking | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mortality Ranking | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Physical Environment Ranking | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Social and Economic Factors Ranking | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Diabetes | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults with Diabetes | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Diabetes | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Diabetes | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Long-Term Complications of Diabetes | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Short-Term Complications of Diabetes | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Type 2 Diabetes | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Uncontrolled Diabetes | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Diabetes: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Diabetic Monitoring: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Family Planning | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Infants Born to Mothers with <12 Years Education | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Teen Birth Rate: 15-19 | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Health Care Access & Quality | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults who have had a Routine Checkup | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults with Health Insurance | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults with Health Insurance: 18-64 | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults without Health Insurance | not checked | not checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Children with Health Insurance | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Medicare Healthcare Costs | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Non-Physician Primary Care Provider Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Persons with Health Insurance | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Persons with Private Health Insurance Only | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Persons with Public Health Insurance Only | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Preventable Hospital Stays: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Primary Care Provider Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Health Information Technology | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Households with an Internet Subscription | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Households with One or More Types of Computing Devices | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Persons with an Internet Subscription | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Heart Disease & Stroke | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults who Experienced a Stroke | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults who Experienced Coronary Heart Disease | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults who Have Taken Medications for High Blood Pressure | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Cerebrovascular Disease (Stroke) | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heart Attack | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Heart Disease | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Acute Myocardial Infarction | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Heart Attack | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Heart Failure | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Hypertension | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Atrial Fibrillation: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Cholesterol Test History | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Heart Failure: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
High Blood Pressure Prevalence | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
High Cholesterol Prevalence | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
High Cholesterol Prevalence: Past 5 Years | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Hyperlipidemia: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Hypertension: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Ischemic Heart Disease: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Stroke: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Immunizations & Infectious Diseases | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Influenza and Pneumonia | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Community Acquired Pneumonia | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Hepatitis | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Immunization-Preventable Pneumonia and Influenza | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
COVID-19 Daily Average Case-Fatality Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
COVID-19 Daily Average Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Flu Vaccinations: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Lyme Disease Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Persons Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19 | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Pneumonia Vaccinations: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Maternal, Fetal & Infant Health | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Babies with Low Birthweight | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Babies with Very Low Birthweight | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Infant Mortality Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mothers who Received Early Prenatal Care | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mothers who Smoked During Pregnancy | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Preterm Births | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Preterm Labor and Delivery Hospitalizations | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Mental Health & Mental Disorders | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults Ever Diagnosed with Depression | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Suicide | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Depression: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Frequent Mental Distress | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mental Health Provider Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Poor Mental Health: 14+ Days | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Poor Mental Health: Average Number of Days | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Mortality Data | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Life Expectancy | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Premature Death | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Oral Health | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults 65+ with Total Tooth Loss | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults who Visited a Dentist | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Dentist Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
No Recent Dental Visit | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Non-Traumatic Oral Health Emergency Department Visit Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Other Conditions | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults with Arthritis | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults with Kidney Disease | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Kidney Disease | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Dehydration | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Urinary Tract Infections | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Chronic Kidney Disease: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Osteoporosis: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Rheumatoid Arthritis or Osteoarthritis: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Physical Activity | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults who are Sedentary | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Prevention & Safety | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Falls | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Firearms | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Unintentional Injuries | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Unintentional Poisonings | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Respiratory Diseases | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults with COPD | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults with Current Asthma | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Chronic Lower Respiratory Diseases | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Adult Asthma | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Asthma | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to COPD | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Age-Adjusted Hospitalization Rate due to Pediatric Asthma | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Asthma: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
COPD: Medicare Population | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Sexually Transmitted Infections | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Chlamydia Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Gonorrhea Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
HIV Diagnosis Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
HIV Prevalence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Syphilis Incidence Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Tobacco Use | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults who Smoke | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Compliance for Nicotine and Tobacco Sales | not checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Weight Status | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Adults Who Are Obese | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Adults who are Overweight | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Health / Wellness & Lifestyle | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Frequent Physical Distress | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Insufficient Sleep | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Poor Physical Health: 14+ Days | not checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Poor Physical Health: Average Number of Days | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Self-Reported General Health Assessment: Poor or Fair | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Community / Crime & Crime Prevention | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Homicide | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Violent Crime Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Community / Demographics | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Average Household Size | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Female Population | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Foreign Born Persons | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Households | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Male Population | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Age 5+ with Language Other than English Spoken at Home | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population American Indian and Alaska Native | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Asian | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Black or African American | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Hispanic or Latino | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Over Age 65 | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Over Age 65 (Count) | checked | checked | not checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Two or More Races | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Under Age 18 | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population Under Age 5 | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population White | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population White (Not Hispanic or Latino) | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Total Population | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Veteran Population | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Community / Public Safety | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Age-Adjusted Death Rate due to Motor Vehicle Collisions | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Alcohol-Impaired Driving Deaths | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Community / Social Environment | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Children in Single-Parent Households | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
People 65+ Living Alone | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
People 65+ Living Alone (Count) | checked | checked | not checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Social Associations | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Substantiated Child Abuse Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Community / Transportation | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Households without a Vehicle | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Mean Travel Time to Work | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Solo Drivers with a Long Commute | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Workers Commuting by Public Transportation | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Workers who Drive Alone to Work | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Economy / Employment | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Employer Establishments | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Female Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Population 16+ in Civilian Labor Force | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Size of Labor Force | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Total Employment | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Total Employment Change | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Unemployed Veterans | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Unemployed Workers in Civilian Labor Force | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Economy / Food Insecurity | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Child Food Insecurity Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Food Insecure Children Likely Ineligible for Assistance | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Food Insecurity Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Food Share Recipients | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Households Receiving SNAP with Children | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Households Receiving SNAP with Children (Count) | checked | checked | not checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Projected Child Food Insecurity Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Projected Food Insecurity Rate | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Students Eligible for the Free Lunch Program | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Economy / Government Assistance | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Households with Cash Public Assistance Income | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Economy / Income | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Households that are Above the Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) Threshold | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Households that are Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Income Inequality | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Median Household Income | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Per Capita Income | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Education / Childcare & Early Childhood Education | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Child Care Centers | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Education / Educational Attainment | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
People 25+ with a Bachelor's Degree or Higher | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
People 25+ with a High School Diploma or Higher | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Veterans with a High School Diploma or Higher | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Education / School Environment | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Student-to-Teacher Ratio | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Education / Student Performance K-12 | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Forward Exam Proficiency: English Language Arts | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Forward Exam Proficiency: Mathematics | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Forward Exam Proficiency: Science | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Forward Exam Proficiency: Social Studies | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
High School Graduation | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Environmental Health / Air | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Air Pollution due to Particulate Matter | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Air Quality Index (% Good) | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Air Quality Index (% Moderate) | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Air Quality Index (% Unhealthy) | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Annual Ozone Air Quality | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Annual Particle Pollution | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Recognized Carcinogens Released into Air | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Environmental Health / Built Environment | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Access to Exercise Opportunities | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Access to Parks | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Food Environment Index | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Liquor Store Density | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Proximity to Highways | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Radon Test Results ≥4pCi/L | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Environmental Health / Toxins & Contaminants | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Age-Adjusted Carbon Monoxide Poisoning ED Visit Rate | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Blood Lead Levels in Children (>=5 micrograms per deciliter) | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Chloride Levels in Drinking Water | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | checked |
Chloride levels in Surface Water – Yahara Lakes | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | checked | not checked |
Houses Built Prior to 1950 | checked | checked | checked | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Manganese Levels <50ppb in Public Well Samples | not checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Manganese Levels <50ppb in the Water Distribution System | not checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
PBT Released | checked | checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Results of Nitrate Testing of >10ppm in Private Wells | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Results of Nitrate Testing of >10ppm in Public Wells | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Road Salt Per Street Mile | not checked | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Environmental Health / Water | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Percentage of Beach Days Lost Due to Water Quality Issues | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Environmental Health / Weather & Climate | State | County | Census Place (City) | Zip Code | Census Tract | Region | Lake | Well |
Daily Dose of UV Irradiance | checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Number of Extreme Heat Days | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Number of Extreme Heat Events | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Number of Extreme Precipitation Days | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |
Weeks of Moderate Drought or Worse | not checked | checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked | not checked |